Master the rules, master the game.

Ask anything.

Our AI powered rulebooks allow you to ask any question about your favorite board games and get an answer instantly. No more fumbling for rule clarifications or manually searching through walls of text.
Tons of games.
We already support 120+ rulebooks and are constantly adding more based on in-app user requests. Don't see what you're looking for? We'll add it.

Perfect for loooooong rulebooks.

Playing a game with a rulebook that could double as a doorstop? We cut to the chase, transforming lengthy instructions into quick, easy-to-digest answers that include page references if you want to dive deeper.
Spend less time interpreting rules and more time playing board games.
We're constantly improving our AI to be sure answers are as accurate as possible.
You can ask questions with your voice for an even easier experience.

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Take your game nights to the next level. Download BoardWiz now.